Palamari's Cultural Center
“To know more, to be better" program – 2013
Within this program we emphasized the importance ofthe traditional culture of each country in the creative process. For a full understanding of this dimension, Palamari's guests had the opportunity to see several spindle and tissue demonstrations and to practice the acquired skills by creating their own pieces.
“A different kind of school” program - 2012
Realizing the importance of extracurricular activities,Palamari's Cultural Centre got involved in the national program “A different kind of school” held in all Romanian primary schools during the month of April, each year. Palamari's team had the pleasureto organize numerous creative workshops whose main role was to contribute to children’s proper development and stimulate their creative behavior.
The "Prichindeii savureaza!" campaign - 2012
(with Palamari's Cultural Center support)
Initiated by Eurocarta Association and implemented in cooperation with Slow Food International, Hornbach and Association of Educators in Romania, "Prichindeii savureaza!" started on 1st June 2011 in the kindergarten Junior nr 26, Brasov. The main objective was to create an interlinked relationship between different stakeholders for a better environment based on the importance of eating slow food. This campaign involved children, parents, educators, hypermarkets and the local community. During the program children played different educational games, learned about healthy food, tasted organic honey and colored ecological bags. The campaign encourages kids participate to workshops on slow food and taste education on monthly bases.
“European Schools for Healthy Food" program - 2011
Eurocarta and Slow Food Convivium Bran-Moeciu organized on 25th March 2011, in Brasov, the National Conference “European Schools for Healthy Food”.
The main objectives of this conference were promoting the project “European Schools for Healthy Food”, exchanging experiences, know-how and good practices. "European Schools for Healthy Food" was initiated by Slow Food International and funded by the European Commission – DG Agriculture and Rural Development.
The agenda of the conference included presentations, debates, video materials on taste education and a traditional cheese tasting (branza de burduf). The main topics discussed were “European Schools for Healthy Food” (Slow Food International), activities of taste education for children and adults (initiated and implemented by Eurocarta and Palamari’s Cultural Center), promotion of a healthy life-style for the whole family (Asociatia Emovere, Slow Food Tara Barsei and Gradinita Heidi) and selling food – a responsible action ( Banacia Veche and Presidium Branza de Burduf)
Representatives of schools, kinder gardens, press, related firms, NGOs and local producers participated to the national conference.
As a result of the debates the participants agreed on the initiation of a common project to promote a healthy life style for children and adults.
Interaction & Discovery Program 2006-2013
Interaction and Discovery Program hosted for periods of3 to 5 days,groups of children aged from 12 to 14 years who participated to creative English workshops organised in our cultural center. Our special guests and the diversity of our activities have made this program the most successful one over the years.